Lanie Leads the Way


Since everyone was busy this summer, what with work, violin camp, field hocky and collage visits, we didn’t have the time for any big trips. Instead, Zoe, Nadia and I were given a $1,000  budget and the challange to plan a two- day outing for the whole family (ed. and to fit it into our complex summer schedule). I had alot of different ideas, including a hiking trip to the AMC huts, and a expodition to Boston, but this is finally what I decided on:

Day 1, The Great Outdoors

The day started in the same way all great traval days start, with an early wake-up call — for me especially, as I had to get up before my sisters to make a run to the store with Mom. The reason  was to gather ingredients for each person in our family to form a trail mix to enjoy on the hikes to come. My trail mix was compiled of Goldfish, peanuts, dried apricots, chocolate covered pretzels, Swedish Fish, and watermelon candy. After everyone had made their trail mix, we set off, leaving Daisy to be picked up by our neighbors who would be taking care of her.

In about 2 hours, we had reached the trail head that would give us directions to the Cathedral LedgeTrail via another trail. After about 30 minuets of wandering around in the woods, owing to the fact that the sign that was supposed to tell us where to turn was not where it was supposed to be, we reached the start of the trail.

The path proved to be increasingly steep and hard to  navigate, and we had to stop continually to rest and drink water. It was all worth it ,however, when we reached the summit. The veiw was beaudiful, and the top of the bluff was crowded with wild blueberry bushes. The way down was easiar yet more dangeres because of the steep slopes, but everyone made it down in one peice.

After that, we headed off to lunch.

After eating lunch at a local restaraunt, Delaney’s Hole-In-The Wall Tavern, we were on our way again.

Next stop: Diana’s Baths, a beaudiful state park right near where we were staying. It’s essintally a series of natral swimming holes, wading pools, and natrual water slides (if you know where to look and are brave enough to take the plunge).

Lanie takes the plunge

We all split up, going our seprate  ways, exploring the baths. The water was cold, but not freezing, and very refreshing after the hot morning of hiking. After we had all had enough swimming, we went to our hotel, the Eastern Slopes Inn, to rest before dinner.




After dinner at the American Flatbread Company (right there off the lobby of our hotel!) and a good night’s sleep, we were ready to take on the new day.








One thought on “Lanie Leads the Way

  1. Grandma

    Great blog, Lanie! You and your sisters planned your mini vacation very well. Looks like you enjoyed yourselves. Looking forward to Day 2!


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