The last hurrah

All too soon, our mini-vacation comes to an end.  After attempting unsuccessfully to cajole our kids into eating all the leftover food so we didn’t have to lug it home, we set off for Acadia one more time.  After yesterday’s tough hike, today’s ambitions were lower.  We promised an easy walk along the seaside path near the Park Loop Road.

The payoff vs. effort ratio of this one is sky-high.  Granted, you’re walking along a relatively well-traveled path that is mostly in sight of the road, but the views out over the ocean are spectacular the whole way, and there are copious opportunities to leave the main trail and climb around on rocks.  (Or, if you’re Lanie, to pretty much climb along rocks the whole way, except for towering cliff-like sections that your stodgy parents refuse to allow you to attempt.)

We worked in a visit to the famous Thunder Hole along the way, but unfortunately the tides were too low for us to hear any actual thundering.  We had to content ourselves instead with exploring the tidepools that would be covered up when the tides rose.  We also saw some rock climbers rapelling down the cliffs from sea level (an activity Zoe was supposed to get to try on a UMaine summer trip, which, like everything else, was canceled).

Eventually we left the ocean behind and made our way back to the car to drive home (a compromise between one family member who was ready to leave hours earlier and another who would have been content to hang around on the rocks for hours longer).  Bob and I are hoping to manage another quick visit in October, when ideally we’ll be coming up again to pay a visit to Zoe at college — assuming that doesn’t all turn into a pipe dream.

All that remained of vacation, beyond a four-hour drive, was a stop for a late lunch at the Sea Dog Brewery in Portland.  I’m not sure we were quite ready to be done with our getaway, but at least Daisy was happy to see us.

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