Author Archives: Bob

Sequestration Day #41

We can still consider ourselves sequestered even after a trip to Wagon Hill Farm, because the trails tend to be wide, and in the woods they don’t seem to mind if you step off between the trees to let someone else pass by.

Daisy is prone to socially distancing from other dogs anywat, so we don’t wind up next to people that much. This week we got to the park early enough for “off-leash” hours.

Sequestration Day #38

Today’s news cycle was totally dominated by Zoe’s official announcement of her committment to the University of Maine at Orono.

It was kind of old news around here, but we had to wait until our load of UMO merchendise came in the mail before we could make the big FB announcement.  Everyone got something, even Daisy.

Lost in all the excitement was the completion of another work table puzzle by Jen and the hardiness of our lettuce seedlings, which survived a torrid snow squall early this morning.

Sequestration Day #37

We’re still finding things to bring brightness to our day.  Some involve Daisy the dog.

Mostly they involve sugar.  Take, for example, Lanie’s homemade hot fudge.  It went on Salted Caramel Swirl ice cream tonight.

Also a game of Dutch Blitz  kept some of us occupied.  

Sequestration Day #36

Even after two consecutive Easter Egg Hunt Sundays, even after five weeks of Sequestration, Mondays are still more bleh than other days.

Some things to perk us up:

School lunch! (No chicken salsd this time)

Nightly dose of “Brooklyn 99”


Sequestration Day #35 (Easter II)

What a wonderful, bright day for the second Easter in a week.  After some negotiations, we settled on a backyard egg hunt to honor Orthodox Easter and Grammy packed up much of the food she made for take-away lunches.

We took our lunches to the lake, where it was breezy and colder, but not so much that girls didn’t swim.

Sequestration Day #34

Some of the spoils of shopping. NB: I did most of the shopping alone; Zoe came with me to BJ’s. We both wore masks.

Today was an epic day of maketing: BJ’s first thing in the morning, co-op pickup after that; then a trip to the supermarket for anything that we couldn’t find in the first two places.

It was an extensive shopping list, but we were up for the challenge.  The only thing that eluded us was active dry yeast, which is disappointing because we now have plenty of all-purpose flour.

We should have enough yeast to make bread one day next week and pizza dough another  Otherwise, we may not need to hit the market for two or three weeks. Who knows what state the world will be in by then?

Other things that went on here today:

Nadia made a chocolate cherry cake.

Several rooms were cleaned out and many books were piled up.

Emergency vehicles put on a parade through our neighborhood.




Sequestration Day #33

Wednesday’s school parade went so well — but at the same time was also so flawed — that we had to conduct our own class parade this evening.  Everyone in the class got a visit from a caravan of five teachers.  This list included one family that was inexplicably left off the route earlier in the week, and one family that was 45 seconds late getting to the end of their long driveway to see the whole school parade.

The girls made me a poster to put in my window.  It had a picture of me and it proclaimed: “Mr. Pavlik says, “Hello,  kindergarteners.”

Also on the agenda for the evening were coctails that may or may not have been made from semi-frozen school-lunch fruit punches.

Fruit punches aside, it was a good lunch haul: deconstructed tacos.


Sequestration Day #32

The big geranium got a big trim, and Zoe’s small vase was just the right size for the flowers we liberated.  The combination makes for a beautiful scene on a perfectly clear countertop.  That’s really all we need out of a Thursday.  That and takeout from Hop ‘n Grind.

So one may infer that the school-lunch-themed cookies from my co-workers — delivered as if they were a school lunch even though this was a homework delivery day — were well beyond what was necessary to make this one worth getting out of bed for.