Category Archives: Anniversarymoon



Talk about adventure!  This weekend was the most adventurous weekend of the year, our Anniversarymoon trip!  One of us has no idea where we’re going and the other one it’s tough to say.  Maybe yes, maybe no.  We can’t say because don’t want to let the other one in on our thinking.(!)

This year, I can finally announce to the greater populace, our trip was to New Durham/Wolfeboro.  Instead of dropping money on a B&B, with its superficially attractive heat and hot water, I clandestinely arranged for the construction of our outdoor shower (plumbing only, the enclosure will come in the spring) and also a nice rustic sign that the girls and I worked on.  It is not exactly 100-percent legal so I won’t linger on that.

All quiet on deck

All quiet on deck

We stayed on Chalk Pond and even grilled our own dinner Friday night (after dropping our kids off with our wonderful friends on Bagdad Road – I won’t mention their names because we don’t want them to be flooded with similar requests).

Dark clouds over the bike path




The weather almost cooperated completely.  It was not too cold and it only rained for 20 minutes.  That those 20 minutes coincided exactly with the time we were most exposed on the Wolfeboro Recreational Bike Trail did not dampen our spirits nearly as much as it dampened the rest of us.  Happily, two things worked in our favor: Jen was able to find an acceptable –pretty nice, even – dry pair of pants in the consignment store by the lake; and we were spared the hail stones that other people in Wolfeboro told us about as we were walking around downtown after the

Stylish, dry pants (second-hand)

Stylish, dry pants (second-hand)

storm.  On the trail, we only got rain, thunder and lots of backspackle (the Sniglet version, thankfully, and not the Urban Dictionary’s).

Small glasses, multiple samples

Small glasses, multiple samples

Then there was a minimalist microbrewery experience and a nice warm pizza restaurant.  We got a nice fire going back at the place and it wasn’t too bad.


Snowmobile Rt. 22 signpost

Sunday was dedicated to wandering the snow- mobile trails in the hills of the lower Lakes Region.  We found Merrymeeting Lake and a bunch of interesting trails leading in intriguing directions.  For those cold riders in our readership, we stick pretty much to NH Rt. 22, which looks to be in good shape for the winter; but the spur we took to Merrymeeting did require three yards of blatant trespassing (though Jen reasoned that the trespassing signs were most likely intended for snowmobilers).   Plus, we have a topographical map, which is what the man we found peeing in the woods suggested we bring along for our journey.  Maybe for Christmas one of us will get a compass.

Surprise, scofflawing, brewpubs, thrift – these are all major elements for a romantic Anniversarymoon weekend.   And adventure.  Adventure is fun.