World Travellers

About two hours ago our plane slipped over an imaginary line and we were suddenly in a new hemisphere!  The Southern Hemisphere! Not long after that we touched ground in a new continent!  South America!  The last America we needed to complete the set.

Here we are, most of us asleep, in Guyaquil, the largest city in Ecuador.

Boats lining up off the Panama coast. Could they be looking for the canal?

Boats lining up off the Panama coast. Could they be looking for the canal? (Photo by Nadia)

I’ll spare most of the details about the travel except to say that neither of our planes left on time, but we were never in any danger of missing our connection.  In fact,  we had enough time in the Panama City airport to pick up some dinner — Carl’s Jr. burgers for Zoe and Lanie, Quizno’s for me and Jen, and Subway for Nadia — though she would have ordered something at the Dunkin’ Donuts if we hadn’t been watching her very closely.

That’s Panama City, Panama, by the way.  Not the one in Florida.

Zoe in the land of quality chocolate, after about 9 hours of flying time

Zoe, and her flute, in the land of quality chocolate, after about 9 hours of flying time

We can’t say too much about Guayaquil except that its airport was beautiful and very efficient.

It would not surprise me to find out there were two Dunkin’ Donuts in the Guyaquil airport.  We’re going back tomorrow morning at about 6:30. I’ll have to keep an eye out.

One thought on “World Travellers

  1. Patricia Daubney

    You all must have been very tired after such a long day. Flying is bad enough without all the delays!
    Hope the rest of your vacation goes smoothly.


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